Google Ebola

I like Google. You like Google. I hate Ebola. You hate Ebola. If we’re not the same page, we will be soon. Today Larry Page, Google’s Chief Executive Officer, announced on their blog that they are officially launching a public campaign to fight against the Ebola epidemic. Up front, Google is donating $10 million ” to support nonprofits such as InSTEDDInternational Rescue CommitteeMedecins Sans FrontieresNetHopePartners in HealthSave the Children and U.S. Fund for UNICEF.” (Click each link to view details on each non-profit organization)

Additionally, the Google’s Family Foundation founded by Eric Schmidt, the Executive Chairman at Google, will be donating $15 million dollars towards the cause. That’s a sum total of $25 million dollars plus their match of your donations.

They are also inviting you to assist in the fight and are offering to match your donations 2:1. That means for every Benjamin you donate, they will put in a Double-Benny. That’s pretty incredible if you ask me. Not to mention, they’re covering all of the processing fees so that you can rest assured that every penny is going towards the cause. Google will continue to match donations until the sum-total (your donation plus Google’s) reaches $7.5 million dollars.

If we weren’t on the same page about digging Google, I hope we are now.