
Are you tired of your wireless phone carrier? Do you think you could get better service elsewhere? If you are planning on making a switch, consider waiting a bit longer. According to a report by The Information, Google is working on a project known as “Nova”. Project Nova will provide wireless service through Sprint’s and T-Mobile networks.

If Nova is a success, Google could quickly become a MVNO, or Mobile Virtual Network Operator. Other MVNO companies include MetroPCS and Jolt Mobile.

According to The Information, Google is looking into unlimited and pay-as-you-go plans. While their prices are not currently available on Google’s possible cellular plans, it’s safe to assume that Google will provide competitive pricing for their service. It’s also unclear as to how widely Google plans to sell the wireless network.  

Sprint is currently the third-largest wireless carrier, with T-Mobile ranking fourth. With Verizon and AT&T providing more coverage across the United States, Google should be able to do pretty well in terms of coverage combining Sprint’s and T-Mobile’s network; depending on how much they buy, that is. Using Sprint and T-Mobile services will allow Google to provide cellular service without having to build and maintain their own network, a huge benefit. This does however, come at the cost of being at the mercy of the network owner.

It will be interesting to see the prices of the phones Google will offer on the cellular network. Google could leverage a competitive price on their Google%20Nexus 5, Black 32GB (Unlocked)Google Nexus in an attempt to grow their user-base out of the gate. Time will tell.Sprint and T-Mobile are still playing catch up when comparing them to Verizon and AT&T, but with Sprint finally rolling out 4G LTE service they are finally starting to catch up (but still have a ways to go).

What are your thoughts? If Google offers a cellular network, do you think their prices will be sufficiently competitive to cause disruption to the industry? Let us know in the comment sections below